衛部醫器輸字第 036117 號

Hironic NEW Doublo Focused Ultrasound and Electrosurgical System HIRONIC New Doublo

型號: New Doublo
NewDoublo, the World's first synergy system of MFU and RF, Amazing therapeutic effect through the two famous lifting treatments of MFU and RF. MFU + RF, the best synergy mechanisms for lifting are in one handpiece world first synergy dotting system

Key Benefits
- MFU + RF Synergy effect, Maximize the clinical result, Minimize the treatment pain and swelling
- Double lifting effect with SD overlapping treatment after the linear dotting procedure
- Various cartridges of up to 20 types
- Patented safety, dynamic and static protection systems prevent burn accidents overlapping shots on the same spot, and the energy is cut off when there is no contact with the skin
- Humanized Design, slim and light cartridges provide convenient and safe treatment for curved, narrow areas with better visibility on treatment spot
- High-Speed Treatment, Improved treatment speed in 5 minutes based on 300 shot treatment and shortened procedure speed with simultaneous progression of two treatments of MFU+RF

Enquire Now!

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