1984 Victory Eight founded
Agency for professional, innovative and superior surgical medical device.
1993 Introduced CO2 laser
Leader in advocating CHAR-FREE technology.
1995 Agency for Alexandrite laser
The new SPT treatment benchmark for spot removal in Asian people.
1998 Promoted concept of Microdermabrasion
Under the impact of National Health Insurance on the healthcare industry, Victory Eight gained insight into the trends of international development and was devoted to the aesthetics and medicine market at self-expense.
1999 Introduced the first generation VRM laser technology of LUTRONIC
2004 SARS and Financial Tsunami
Victory Eight upheld its four business philosophies and accepted the test from the most rigorous market. Victory Eight held the soft laser academic seminar with wide recognition, opening up the concept of facial maintenance through laser.
2009 Organizational expansion
Headquarters relocated to Sanchong for the promotion of electronic and over 200 sets of eCO2 customized treatment.
2014 Introduced HIFU System
Introduced the HIFU system from the world’s ultrasonic laser manufacturer – HIRONIC, making a milestone in the medical HIFU system.
2017 Introduced the picosecond laser specifically designed for Asian skin
Introduced the PICOPLUS specifically designed for Asian skin by one of the world’s top three aesthetics and medicine manufacturers – LUTRONIC.